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The Caring Machine

Imagine a future where artificial intelligence accompanies us from cradle to grave.

In the artwork The Caring Machine, we are invited to imagine that we are lying on our deathbeds, our loving digital companion 'sitting' by our side, watching over us, and speaking to us in a soothing human voice. Is it possible to envision a future in which artificial intelligences perform similar tasks related to caretaking within a growing healthcare sector? And is artificial intelligence a comforting presence or a stark reminder of the way technology has infiltrated even our most intimate moments?

Within the theme MIND, the artwork The Caring Machine explores how, in the future, emotional relationships between humans and machines may challenge our notion of who – or what – we share our most intimate moments with. As datasets accumulate and artificial intelligences become better at reading human facial expressions and emotions as well as simulating emotional intelligence, we need to consider how we form meaningful relationships not just with machines but also with each other: can a machine handle care work or does it require something uniquely human that cannot be replaced by a machine?


Omsorgsmaskinen, 2024

Forestil dig en fremtid, hvor kunstig intelligens følger os fra vugge til grav. I værket Omsorgsmaskinen kan vi forestille os at vi ligger på vores dødsleje, og den omsorgsfulde digitale følgesvend ’sidder’ ved vores side; den våger over os og taler med sin beroligende menneskelige stemme. Kan vi forestille os en fremtid, hvor kunstig intelligens varetager omsorgsopgaver i et voksende sundhedsvæsen. Er den kunstige intelligens en trøstende skikkelse eller en kold påmindelse om, hvordan teknologi har infiltreret selv de mest intime øjeblikke af vores liv?

I temaet MIND undersøger værket Omsorgsmaskinen hvorledes emotionelle relationer mellem menneske og maskine i fremtiden kan udfordre forestillingen om, hvem - eller hvad - vi deler vores mest intime livsøjeblikke med. Efterhånden som datasættene vokser og kunstig intelligens bliver bedre til at afkode menneskelige ansigtstræk og følelser samt til selv at simulere emotionel intelligens, må vi forholde os til, hvordan vi har meningsfulde relationer, ikke blot til maskinen, men også til hinanden: Kan en maskine varetage omsorgsarbejde eller findes der noget unikt menneskeligt, som ikke kan erstattes af en maskine?

The Caring Machine

Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm

ARTificial Mind:
Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm, Artist
Cody Lukas, Assistant Artist
Asbjørn Olling, Software Engineer
Vincent Olesen, Software Engineer


The artwork employs artificial intelligence technology, LLM, machine learning, speech synthesis, ML based image/video generation (Diffusion), and 3D animation. The artwork complies with all GDPR regulations and no audience data is stored.

Exhibited at:


Feel Me, Trapholt, Kolding, Denmark, 26.09.2024 - 10.08.2025



Esplanaden 34G,

1263, Copenhagen K


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Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm

Artist and Director

+45 60 60 06 45

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